Three Most Valuable Components of Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is no longer optional.  It is truly an indispensable component of the modern job search. Unfortunately, the effective use of LinkedIn is not intuitive. In order to get the best results, it is important… Read More »Three Most Valuable Components of Your LinkedIn Profile

Why an MS in I-O Psychology is a Great Path to a Career in HR Too

Learn more about the similarities and differences between industrial-organizational psychology, human resources, and organizational development to figure out which career – and educational path – is right for you. If you’re interested in a job… Read More »Why an MS in I-O Psychology is a Great Path to a Career in HR Too

Career Spotlight on Pharmacy

Dr. Michelle Jakubovics received her PharmD from Touro College of Pharmacy in 2013, where she is Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice, and her Bachelor of Science in Biology from Touro College in 2009. After earning her PharmD… Read More »Career Spotlight on Pharmacy

Top 5 Mistakes College Students Make On LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the new normal. While it is imperative for everyone to create a winning LinkedIn profile, it is especially important for college students.   Most college students are in the job or internship market, and… Read More »Top 5 Mistakes College Students Make On LinkedIn

Choosing A College Major

Q: My daughter just got back from seminary and will be starting college in the spring semester. Do you have any ideas on how she should go about choosing a major? A: There is a… Read More »Choosing A College Major

Top 5 LinkedIn Tricks I Bet You Didn’t Know

Hopefully by now, you are using LinkedIn and getting more comfortable with its basic functionality. As I have said before, there is no LinkedIn magic, so being on LinkedIn is never enough. You need to… Read More »Top 5 LinkedIn Tricks I Bet You Didn’t Know

Top 5 Career Myths

As a college career service veteran, I have heard a lot of different misconceptions and myths about careers and the job search. While I do hear an occasional myth that is way out there, there… Read More »Top 5 Career Myths

Top 5 Tips for Academic Administrators in Higher Ed

As the long-standing dean at the School of Health Sciences at Touro College, I have learned many valuable insights that will help administrators do their jobs to the best of their abilities. Although it is… Read More »Top 5 Tips for Academic Administrators in Higher Ed

Top 5 Ways to Prepare for Touro’s Virtual Career Fair

Are you job hunting? Planning for your future career? Touro will be hosting its third virtual career fair on September 14th (you can find the details here). In the past year, Touro hosted two successful… Read More »Top 5 Ways to Prepare for Touro’s Virtual Career Fair

5 High-Paying, Fast-Growing Careers in Technology

See how a bachelor’s degree or Master of Science degree in a computer-related field can prepare you for an in-demand tech job that’s exciting and challenging, well-paid, and has unlimited growth opportunities. No one can… Read More »5 High-Paying, Fast-Growing Careers in Technology