
Top 5 Tips For Creating a Winning Cover Letter

Cover letters can be a powerful way to add a compelling narrative about your skills to your job application, but like all things career-related, they need to be done effectively. A cover letter should never… Read More »Top 5 Tips For Creating a Winning Cover Letter

Top 5 Career Damaging Social Media Mistakes

Social media may be the most powerful employment tool in history. It enables students to engage employers and establish a unique brand and professional persona in a manner that is truly unprecedented.  However, that power… Read More »Top 5 Career Damaging Social Media Mistakes

Top 5 Interview Prep Tips

Your opportunity is finally here.  You received a call-back from an employer, and they want you to come for an interview!  This is great news and an incredible opportunity, but you are likely one of… Read More »Top 5 Interview Prep Tips

5 Steps to Choosing a Career Path

Explore Your Interests, Skills and Abilities and Consider What’s Practical Choosing the right career can be a difficult and anxiety provoking process. Will I enjoy it? Will I be good at it? Will it provide… Read More »5 Steps to Choosing a Career Path

Top 5 Personal Branding Tips

Trends have changed drastically in the job search world.  A great resume, cover letter and even a winning social media presence are no longer enough. The new normal is that you are expected to have your own… Read More »Top 5 Personal Branding Tips

Career Planning

Q: My daughter is starting college this fall and I know she’ll be busy with classes and studying. When is a good time to begin career planning? A: Career planning should actually begin on the… Read More »Career Planning

Top 5 Tips for Creating A Winning Resume

Conventional wisdom changes constantly and nowhere is this more evident when it comes to trends in resume-writing and job-hunting. The following are five do’s and don’ts that should help you write a resume that’s a… Read More »Top 5 Tips for Creating A Winning Resume

Top 10 Tips to Combat Burnout

Social workers spend a good part of their day addressing serious societal issues. From drug addiction to family dysfunction and generational poverty, mental health professionals are often shouldering the world’s problems. Social workers may feel… Read More »Top 10 Tips to Combat Burnout

Three Most Valuable Components of Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is no longer optional.  It is truly an indispensable component of the modern job search. Unfortunately, the effective use of LinkedIn is not intuitive. In order to get the best results, it is important… Read More »Three Most Valuable Components of Your LinkedIn Profile

Why an MS in I-O Psychology is a Great Path to a Career in HR Too

Learn more about the similarities and differences between industrial-organizational psychology, human resources, and organizational development to figure out which career – and educational path – is right for you. If you’re interested in a job… Read More »Why an MS in I-O Psychology is a Great Path to a Career in HR Too